Justice, legality and the case of Justice Onnoghen | The Guardian Nigeria Newspaper


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There is no denying the fact that Justice and Legality are not the same in the present-day human affairs.

This implies that one can be legal but unjust. Depending on the specific issues under consideration, the pursuit of legality may lead to injustice and fight for injustice may lead to illegality.

With natural laws, of course, the matter is different: natural laws are always aligned with justice and what is just never conflicts with natural laws. By natural laws, I mean the laws ordained by the Creator.

Human-made laws do not always promote justice. Indeed, quite often, laws are exploited by lawyers to set free people who have actually committed crimes.

In contrast, natural laws ensure that, at all times, Justice and Love are simultaneously upheld. With human-made laws, legality and morality are separate matters. There are cases of human made laws that are obviously unjust and hateful and yet are considered “legal.”

Let me illustrate: The…

Source: Guardian Newspaper