‘Birds are helpful creatures to the people’ | The Guardian Nigeria News


Sam Ivande

Sam Ivande is a passionate ornithologist (an expert in bird studies) and lecturer at the A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI), the degree-awarding facility of the University of Jos. He spoke to TONY ERHA on biodiversity conservation and bird watching, especially the ‘Lesser Spotted Eagle’ (Aquila pomarina) that flew to Weppa from Beringunszentrale Hiddensee, Gustrow, Germany.

Recently, two birds, each from South Africa and Germany, were caught with rings on the legs at Weppa Farm, located in Edo State, while numerous others are usually sighted within. Have this made Weppa neighbourhood being an international bird sanctuary?
BIRD ringing has always been an important method in the study of bird migration, helping to identify migratory routes and important habitats for birds. The recovery of these two ringed birds and sighting of numerous others in Weppa Farm certainly highlights its importance as a breeding, key stop-over or winter habitat for these…

Source: Guardian Newspaper