Closing the Gap: A Call to Change the Gender Data Narrative  | The Guardian Nigeria News


Gender data has remained skewed for many years. To date, we fall behind in scaling up the numbers reported. A deep look at the Global Monitoring Media Report (GMMP) 2020 reveals that women are still poorly represented across many important economic and social sectors. However, some progress has been made in increasing women’s roles in news reporting. 

To date, 48% of television news reported are done by women, an increase from 36% reported in 2000. The investigation also found that women were less represented in Covid-19 related internet news. Globally, men led the response to Covid-19 including policy making, and driving economic, social and political decisions. As reported by the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), “100% of the members of the Daily Covid-19 meeting in England were men; 93% of the Coronavirus Response Team in the US were men; in Nigeria 92% of the Presidential Task Force for the Control of the Coronavirus Disease were men; while men constituted…

Source: Guardian Newspaper