Dear paedophiles, please leave our children alone!


I didn’t have the intention of writing about this but then I ran into the story of a 13-year-old girl named Ochanaya, who battled with vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) and other health complications, after many years of alleged sexual abuse by a lecturer and his son.

READ ALSO: Outrage over raped-to-death minor

The little girl passed away in a private hospital in Benue State. The story haunted me. Every time I closed my eyes, I imagined how those men took turns to rape a helpless girl left in their care. I imagined how they must have ripped off her clothes and took turns to satiate lust. In my wild thoughts, I thought about how her heart rate would have accelerated and how she would try hard to control her breathing rate. After every attack, she must have been ripped, broken and bleeding. She must have figured out how to wash the trickling blood mixed with semen privately and cry bitterly with no one to console her. Probably they laid their hands around her neck, squeezed…

Read More…..The Sun News