Combatting Pot Belly With Home Remedies — Leadership Newspaper


There was once a time in Nigeria where having a pot belly was once seen as a sign of prosperity, or least a sign that you were living a good life. However, it is now becoming an issue for people, as the trend in urban centres show that the pot belly is no longer in.

Even more importantly is that having a pot belly can be dangerous for your health too. The visceral fat or the fat around your abdomen can lead to diabetes, heart diseases, stroke as well as dementia.

There are a number of ways you can get rid of that pot belly, with controlling your food portions and exercising being the most recommended method. However, choosing the right foods to complement your efforts is really essential. The right foods can help detox your liver and boost your metabolism so that your body can target belly fat. But before you hit the gym and run off to the supermarket, here are some really effective remedies you can try at home to lose belly fat.

Lemon Water

Lemon water helps to…

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