How Changes In Town Planning Aggravate Environmental Disasters — Leadership Newspaper


In this report, CHIKA OKEKE examines the implications of town planning changes in the cities and the need for government to enforce planning laws to avert environmental disasters.

One of the target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6 on clean water and sanitation by 2030 is to improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimising release of hazardous chemicals and materials as well as drastically cutting down the proportion of untreated wastewater.

Also, SGD 11 on sustainable cities and communities placed much emphasis on the need to reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities by paying special attention to air quality likewise in the management of municipal and other waste products.

Nigeria being admitted as one of the 193 UN member states on 7th October 1960, is a signatory to the SDGs after the botched Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target of 25 years.

The SDGs captured social and economic development issues such as…

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