I Am Money — Leadership Newspaper


Do I need to introduce myself? Who is he that does not know, crave or want to possess me? Is there any acceptable medium of exchange or means of payment other than me?

I am money. I bestow honour and power on those that possess me, for by that they are wealthy, affluent, rich, the haves.  I can take any form – coin (gold, silver, etc.), metal, paper note, even electronic.. – and still retain my essence and influence on people. Who is he that can be sated enough as to resist having more of me? Can anyone resist my lure – public and private officers, politicians, everyday people and even those attired in clerical raiment? Wherever I am dangled beholders do unbelievable things to possess me. Insatiable Desire. Many have amassed so much wealth, through illegal means, which they or their scions could hardly ever spend. Corruption.

I cause enmity, haughtiness, and vanity in people of means. Everything revolves around what you can do with me. Without me, destitution is your lot. I am…

Source: Leadership Newspaper