Why Do Many Relationships Fail? — Leadership Newspaper


The thing that prompted me to explore this topic is I was watching TV the other day and over heard a talk show host say: “Men/Women come and go but friends are everlasting.” On other occasions I’ve heard the same statement said a little differently: “Men/Women come and go but when it comes to family, blood is thicker than water.” Both concepts are very catchy, and as a society we eat stuff like this up. Usually it’s women who spout these sayings, to reference that a man ain’t nothing permanent so don’t put all your energies into a man when friends and family are more important.


Then it hit me! I got on the phone to dialogue with a female friend to talk about this issue. This is what we came up with: The reason why people say these things is because many, maybe even most relationships are based on MUTUAL USE, not love, care or friendship. In this society we are trained and conditioned to fake everything we are about as a person. We mask our true intentions in so…

Source: Leadership Newspaper