Need For Constant Staff Training


With a continuous change in business dynamics, there is the need for companies to prioritise capacity building of their workers to stand the test of time, ZAKA ABD-KHALIQ writes. 

According to experts, capacity building and development are part of major ways organisations invest in the workforce for greater return today and even in the foreseeable future.

Organisational effectiveness, experts said, rests on the efficient and effective performance of workforce that makeup the organisation, while the efficient and effective performance of the workforce in turn, rest on the richness of the knowledge, skills and abilities possessed by the workforce.

Experts said the continuous clamour for social change to make adaptability and continuing preparation of the workforce as inevitable as the initial acquisition of knowledge and skills, experts stressed, is germane.

While experts believe training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees, however, many…

Source: Leadership Newspaper