New Products, Research, Policy As Boost For Tobacco Harm Reduction


Unarguably, new products, which are part of the outcomes of numerous and indeed, long years of scientific research, are playing central roles in the drive towards achieving the much needed tobacco harm reduction and ultimately, attain a smoke-free world.


Not only do research drive the innovation that culminates in new products, which are serving as alternatives for smokers, they also help in assessing the trends and smoking patterns among people.


However, as far as the drive towards tobacco harm reduction is concerned, policy implementation by government and other critical stakeholders also plays an equally important role. Perhaps this understanding informed the decision of the organisers of the just concluded fifth edition of the No Smoke Summit to focus on new products, research and policy.


Essentially, the summit offered opportunities for scientists of different countries to present, discuss and challenge recent data related to the benefits and risks associated with…

Source: Leadership Newspaper