‘He’s here and he’s perfect’- Boxing champion Tyson Fury announces birth of his 7th child


InShot 20230918 181152289 1695057215 'He's here and he's perfect'- Boxing champion Tyson Fury announces birth of his 7th child

Undefeated Heavyweight boxing champion, Tyson Fury has announced the birth of his 7th child with his wife, Paris Fury.

The pair welcomed their 7th child, a boy, on Monday, September 18. The baby joins six siblings, Venezuela, 14, Prince John James 10, Prince Tyson Fury II, five, Valencia Amber, four, Prince Adonis Amaziah, three, and one-year-old Athena.


Boxing icon, Tyson 35, and his wife of 15 years, Paris, 33, say the baby arrived at 2.29am weighing 6lb 13oz. He took to Instagram on Monday evening, to share the good news.


Screenshot 20230918 180525 1695057353 'He's here and he's perfect'- Boxing champion Tyson Fury announces birth of his 7th child


Source: Linda Ikeji