The Best Children’s Books


Today we have compiled for you the top of the best children’s books. There is a lot to say about a person knowing his favorite book as a child. You can also understand that a person is smart if he puts bets on the best betting site in Naija. Well, let’s get down to our selection of books. If you haven’t read them, then you should read them and plunge into childhood.

Image book The Best Children’s Books
  • A series of books about Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling (1997-2007)

The total circulation of Harry Potter books was 400 million copies – more than any of the children’s books in history. All 7 parts of “Potteriana” are bestsellers. They became the best-selling series in history, and films based on them became the highest-grossing series of films. The publication of books, audiobooks, and film adaptations of Rowling’s novels brought her to 620th place in the list of the richest people in the world. Before Potter, Rowling lived on social benefits, after the success of the books she became richer than the English queen.

  • The kid and Carlson. Astrid Lindgren (1955)

In the USSR, the book about the Kid and Carlson became popular thanks to the translation of Lindgren’s stories by Liliana Lungina and cartoons. “Three Stories about the Kid and Carlson” were published in our country in 1967. The first cartoon is a year later. Carlson – “a moderately well-fed man in the prime of life” became one of the most popular heroes of children. At the same time, his biography is dark. So, in the book, he claimed that his father was a dwarf, and his mother was a mummy.

  • The Jungle Book. Rudyard Kipling (1893-1894)

For most people, Rudyard Kipling’s “Jungle Book” is associated only with Mowgli, although there are other heroes in this collection, and stories “without Mowgli”. For example, “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”. Kipling was the first and youngest British Nobel Laureate in literature. He was awarded it “for observation, vivid imagination, maturity of ideas and outstanding talent of the narrator.” The Jungle Book confirms this.

  • Treasure Island. Robert Stevenson (1883)

Despite the fact that Treasure Island is a classic adventure novel, literary critics still do not cease to find subtexts and a “second bottom” in it. So, in 2013, writer Viktor Tochinov even released an investigative book dedicated to Stevenson’s novel. In it, he proved that all the apparent inconsistencies in the text of the novel are actually thought-out plot moves.

  • The little prince. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1943)

“The Little Prince” has been translated into 180 languages, it is the most famous novel by Exupery, and although the book is for children, such a definition can be given to it very conditionally. This is the kind of novel that you can reread all your life, understanding it in your own way at every age. “The Little Prince” is also unique in that it is traditionally published with the author’s illustrations.

  • The Wizard of Oz. Alexander Volkov (1939)

Although Alexander Volkov initially relied on Baum’s American novel The Wizard of Oz when writing his book, the “copy” turned out to be completely different. Volkov rewrote the novel several times and his third version differs from Baum’s book very much. Not only are the characters and the plot different, but also the emotional and semantic dominant.

Volkov’s novel has been translated into many languages, including German and English, has already gone through 10 editions, and is included in the program of pedagogical universities.

  • The Tove Jansson Moomin Series (1938-1981)

Moomins are fabulous creatures invented by the Swedish writer Tove Jansson. She drew her characters herself, they are white, rounded, and resemble hippos. And they are also very nice and kind. Moomin World is an ideal space of kindness and hospitality, everyone will be fed and put to bed here. Even the main negative character of the book, Morra, eventually ceases to be an infernal entity and becomes closer to the Moomins. It turns out that she is not evil at all, but simply suffers from loneliness and the inability to express her feelings.

  • The Chronicles of Narnia. Clive Lewis (1950-1956)

The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of children’s books written by Clive Lewis. Despite the fact that these works are designed primarily for children, they are full of allusions to Christian texts, Roman and Greek mythology, and Irish and British fairy tales.

The Chronicles of Narnia is super popular. By 2006, more than 100 million copies of books in 41 languages had been sold, there are TV and film adaptations, radio dramas, theatrical productions, computer games.

The final book of the series “The Last Battle” was awarded the “Carnegie Award”, the highest award in the genre of children’s literature.

  • Stories about animals. Seton-Thompson (first story – 1883)

If you want to read mi-mi-mi stories about cute animals, then you definitely shouldn’t open Seton Thompson. His stories are poignant and touching, perhaps you will cry more than once while reading. But you will experience something like catharsis and reconsider your attitude to animals, whose life is not so cloudless.

Mahatma Gandhi wrote: “The greatness and moral progress of a nation can be measured by how this nation treats animals.” Children should read Thompson so that faith in this progress does not disappear.

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