Che Guevara: 50 Years of the Heroic Guerrilla



By Owei Lakemfa

As parts of the universe, on last Monday, October 9, marked the fiftieth year Ernesto Che Guevara was summarily executed in a classroom in La Higuera, Bolivia, my mind was on three romantic figures who gave their lives for the love of humanity – Jesus Christ, John Brown and Che.

Jesus is the epitome of love, care, peace, sacrifice and calling the sinner to repentance. Che, who was not inclined to religion, and Brown who was quite religious, are the two primary figures I know who were Christ-like in their readiness to sacrifice their lives for the emancipation of the poor, the hopeless, the oppressed and the repressed. The theme of love was central to their beliefs and actions. Brown lived by Christ’s injunction: ‘Love Thy Neigbour As Thyself’. For Che: “The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to…

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