Answering the Call (3) – PM NEWS Nigeria


Femi Aribisala

By Femi Aribisala

Inviting Jesus into my life immediately opened me to the spirit world. It was as if someone turned on the light and suddenly, a world I never knew existed suddenly became visible to me. But there were complications. I was open to the positive spiritual as well as the negative.

Spirit of Error

Once I was in an anointed environment, my left leg would shake visibly. This gave me some concern because I knew I was not the one shaking my leg. Then one day, an inner voice said to me: “Ask me anything you want, and I will answer you by shaking your leg. If the answer is yes, I will shake your leg. If the answer is no, I will not.”

And so began this amazing process whereby I would ask a question in my mind and the answer would be provided through my leg. Let us say, for example, I was looking for my wristwatch. I would ask my invisible friend: “Is…

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