Konga.comGiving up to 70% Discountfor TGIP

    b Konga.comGiving up to 70% Discountfor TGIP

    Its fast approaching…your favorite day of the month. You have been looking forward to this since you got thatlast paycheck. And no, we are not talking about the weekly TGIF – It’s the more special TGIP or ‘Thank God Its Payday’!!! And this month isn’t any different, the fervor and excitement has really built up!

    The big question now– How can you eat your cake and still have it? How can you meet all your needs, on your budget and still have enough to last till the next payday?

    Let Konga.combe your TGIPayday …Read More

    Read more here:: Konga.comGiving up to 70% Discountfor TGIP