Our lives are determined in percentages – Ali Baba writes


    Our lives are determined in percentages.
    There are certain things in life that require a certain percentage.
    Sometimes if you are .1% short of that percentage, you won’t get it.
    At other times, you may by aggregate inclusion be allowed into a percentage cadre.
    Let’s say only 50% is allowed and you come up to 47.8%, You just might get into the 50% class.
    The very important thing to however note in life is that, EACH PERSON MAY REQUIRE A DIFFERENT PERCENTAGE FROM ANOTHER PERSON.
    While Mr A needs just 20% of something to push him into success, even 70% of that same thing may not do it for Mr B.
    That said, you must start from the most vital percentage any one can have, 10% (Life). That you are alive is 10%.
    That’s why God asks for his equity contribution in your life. That becomes the tithe that you throw into anything you do to get a 10 fold increase.
    That’s why many people say “put more life into it”, “like your life depended on it”, “when there is life there is hope” “sow life reap a living”, “Get a life!”.
    20% is education. Everything you learn, in this life, will determine how you make it.
    Your 10% life is the current in your hardware (body) the things you learn are your software. You load, upgrade, remove, reinstall, refresh as you deem fit.
    If your learning curve gets truncated at anytime, it means there are certain apps in life that will not function with you.
    That explains why, you can be allergic to Crap or condone it.
    The software that you are fortunate to have loaded, then helps you taken information, process them, react to them and most often, defines how you go through life.
    The person you become is 30% …Read More

    Source:: The NET