#JusticeForLolie: A couple’s heartbreaking search for justice after their 17mth-old daughter died due to medical negligence

    loila2 #JusticeForLolie: A couple's heartbreaking search for justice after their 17mth-old daughter died due to medical negligence
    In yet another sad and pathetic case of medical negligence, a Nigerian couple has shared the heartbreaking story of how their 17-months-old baby girl died at a hospital in Port Harcourt. Ebi Pax Harry and wife, Toki had Lolia after four years of marriage. She she died in February as a result of what they term ‘medical negligence.’ On the first day at the hospital, they even had to wait for the staff to finish their devotion and morning rituals before attending to their ailing daughter. Read the story below:

    “On the night of 28th of February 2016 at about 9pm, my wife told me our daughter was running temperature and we decided to watch her through the night and sponged her body intermittently till the next morning. It was rather strange because only few hours earlier our daughter Lolia was the heartbeat of the house and initiator of various plays with her cousins who came visiting.

    Early the next morning we prepped for work and creche as was our tradition the past 7months. Loli as fondly called by all had her cereal and we made a dash for the hospital.We got there just before 7am through the portharcourt traffic on the 29th of February , 2016.

    We had to wait for the staff to do their devotion and morning rituals before we were attended to. At about 8.30am a doctor in the consulting room examined her and said her tonsils were clear and her blood should be taken for test. The blood work came back after about 30mins Loli had MALARIA+.

    The Doctor advised she should be admitted since she looked weak for faster recovery. And so our watch began!!!

    First 2 days were very worrisome as she threw up every 3hours especially after a meal or medication. On …Read More

    Source:: Linda Ikeji Blog