Staff of Lagos zonal office…all about International Anti c…


Staff of Lagos zonal office…all about International Anti corruption day 2020.

130768338 3654799277875869 3465936756122494415 o.jpg? nc cat=100&ccb=2& nc sid=8024bb& nc ohc=Y 67f2 7BfQAX93zkUB& nc ht=scontent frx5 1 Staff of Lagos zonal office...all about International Anti c...
130751846 3654799501209180 7868565647724646535 o.jpg? nc cat=100&ccb=2& nc sid=8024bb& nc ohc=LZ7pdj7j33YAX 8Ww & nc ht=scontent frx5 1 Staff of Lagos zonal office...all about International Anti c...
130917073 3654799694542494 3206475743132855697 o.jpg? nc cat=106&ccb=2& nc sid=8024bb& nc ohc=y5RShaOU0dMAX GlHXy& nc ht=scontent frt3 1 Staff of Lagos zonal office...all about International Anti c...
130804030 3654799844542479 1646069783794979420 o.jpg? nc cat=102&ccb=2& nc sid=8024bb& nc ohc=zICNal6xEbQAX KYVqL& nc ht=scontent frt3 1 Staff of Lagos zonal office...all about International Anti c...

Source: EFCC News