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Koko Kalango writes that the country should exploit education as a tool for national development

I recall that as a postgraduate student of International Relations and Strategic Studies, 20 years ago, we were asked to debate Huntington’s ‘A Clash of Civilizations’, first published in Foreign Affairs of Summer 1993.

In this thesis, Samuel Huntington posits that the basis of identify for States would shift from economy and/or ideology – as it was in the cold war era – to culture. He says states having similar cultures will group together into civilization clusters. He identifies such groupings as: Western (United States and Europe), Confusion (Chinese), Japanese, Islamic (Arab, Turk, Malay, North Africa), and possibly African. He said globalisation would cause these different civilizations to rub against one another, resulting in international conflict. If there will be a third World War, Huntington predicts that it is a clash of civilisations…

Source: Thisday Newspaper