Personal budgets and plans


I welcome all our financially intelligent readers. By now we all have realised the importance of paying the required attention to our finances, we are ready to be in the driver’s seat of our financial future and be good stewards of all God has blessed us with.

To control the future, we must plan and create the future we desire. At every stage of our lives, we have important events that life brings. For the young man in his late twenties, it is marriage, getting his own apartment and having children. For the middle aged, it is paying for tertiary education and weddings of our children. Even though we are people of faith who believe ‘God will provide’, we have to be sure our case is not one of ‘God has provided’ but we used the money imprudently. If we look at the analogy of the ant – being self-motivated, they gather their food during the harvest and store up what they need…

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