La Casera, boosting CSR profile through empowerment initiatives » Brands and Marketing » Tribune Online


The advent of  La Casera into the nation’s soft drinks market, in  November, 2001, brought with it a massive disruption. Prior  to its decision to throw its hat into the rings, the nation’s  non-alcoholic  market had been a highly stereotyped one. The ‘super powers’ in the market segment, held the four aces, while  the ‘small fries’ were left with no alternatives than to pick the crumbs, in form of the market share, under the masters’ table.

The decision of  the brand custodians, The La Casera Company, therefore,  to introduce the carbonated soft drink brand in a pet bottle, no doubt,  upset the apple cart. The otherwise  conservative market, was gingered by a…

Source: Nigerian Tribune