Would you remain in a sexless marriage?


The Christmas season marks the end of another year, while New Year marks the beginning of a new one. Both are times when couples take stock of relationships and make some tough decisions. Like whether or not to remain in a sexless marriage: one where the couples rarely have sex.

Society says it’s women saying no to sex, but in reality, it’s just as likely to be the man turning to face the wall. So, would you remain in a sexless relationship? As usual, we bring you the responses of some female celebrities.


No! I’m going to walk away

– Ify Adibeli, Actress

No way! There’s no way I’m going to pretend that all is well and stay in a sexless marriage. If there is no sex, then it doesn’t make any sense. It’s as good as me walking away because if I stay back in the marriage, then there’s no doubt that I’m going to cheat on my husband and that’s one thing I…

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