Snoring and proximate cause – Vanguard News


By Francis Ewherido

Snoring is a problem and a threat to many marriages, especially in the western world where their patience and tolerance span is comparatively shorter than ours. Statistics obtained from America shows that those marriages where one spouse snores have higher divorce rate than marriages where both spouses do not snore.

Snoring occurs when a person is unable to move air freely through the nose and throat causing him/her to make a snorting or grunting sound while asleep. Snoring may be one-off or permanent and the reasons range from obesity, consumption of alcohol to sleeping positions.


Medical conditions can also be responsible for snoring. Medical experts say there are no certain treatments that can eliminate medically-induced snoring, it can only be lessened and managed.

Although, we do not have data on the effect of snoring on marriages in Nigeria, a…

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