How to recover our belongings from the enemies, by Lazarus Muoka


Joshua 18:3 says: “And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, how long are you slack to go, to possess the land which the Lord God of your father has given you. How long will you be there?”

Children of God over and over again remain destitute of many things which it is the will of God that they should enjoy, and which with the right attitude they might enjoy. Sometimes this slackness in enjoying what have been bequeathed to them could be attributed to fear of the unknown vis-à-vis loosing what they had already gotten. When the Israelites exhibited this flabbiness in possessing what belonged to them, Joshua queried such lackadaisical min-dset and cautioned against it, and by this position stirred the Israelites up to take possess-ion of their lots.


Same concern is being raised today asking how long it will take you, a child of God to possess your…

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