God’s covenant of peace, blessing (I)


By Lazarus Muoka

Today is a special day because we are com-me-morating the highest event in Christendom which happ-ens to be the focal point of our belief, for if Christ did not die, buried and resurrected, our belief will have been in vain and there would not have been any hope of restor-ation of the covenant we had with God before our fore-parents severed it through sin.


It is at Easter that we are re-minded of how God sent His son to die as a sacrifice for all our sins in order to res-cue us from the im-pending destruction that has been earmarked for us as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve.

Thus, by His death, burial and resurrect-ion, the covenant of peace and blessing which mank-ind originally had with God at creation was restored.

The Almighty God esta-blished this covenant with our foreparents in the Garden of Eden where He blessed them and gave…

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