Washing glass cup properly is a good skill


There is a saying that Cleaningness is next to godliness. Hardly can you go wrong with your health or struggle with your family health if you adhere to cleanliness.  One of the efforts Homemakers can make to keep their families healthy is to be sure that glass cups used in the house are kept clean all the time. This is especially so,  because of children who may not be extra careful with hygiene. 

glass cup

Keeping the glass cup sparkling white is one of the things I learned from my guardian while growing up. It has now dawned on me that whatever a person learns as a skill while growing up can never leave. Anytime as I served my aunt water, she would always send me back to make sure no water is hanging on the cup before I bring it to her. If there water on it, it showed it was either just rinsed or not washed at all. Because of that, I washed glass cups thoroughly with soup and drained before serving her. If not, it always earned me a back slap.

Many children and adults as well do…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper