Maintaining the love nest (1)


Love nest, Vagina
Love nest, Vagina

The vagina is perhaps the most important feature of the entire female reproductive organs.

It serves as many ports: an entrance port to the rest of the reproductive system, as through it other features such as the uterus, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries are accessed.

It also serves as an exit port because it is through the vagina that life is brought forth when a baby is birthed, bringing fulfillment and pride to the woman, joy to the man, and ensuring the continuity of family name and the human race as a whole as directed by the Creator.

The monthly cycle (menstruation) is also expelled and urine, a toxic waste from the body passes through the vagina even though from another channel.

Finally, the vagina also serves as the pleasure port of the female’s sexual desires. All (well, almost all) sexually built-up tensions for both the male and the female are relieved at this port. Some say the pleasures available to both sexes are unimaginable and endless if properly…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper