Nigeria’s more than 10m out-of-school children


Out-of-school children
Out-of-school children

MORE than 10 million Nigerian children do not have the opportunity to attend school, and that is the highest rate in the world. Even at that, many of the children who are lucky to be in the classrooms come with ragged or torn polythene school bags. That is the true story of Nigeria told on the last International Day of Education.

Sidney Poitier, the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor, wrote a book he titled The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography. In an interview, Oprah Winfrey asked Sidney Poitier: “On page 100, you wrote about one of the greatest lessons your father gave you on the measure of a man. What is the measure of a man?”

“My father’s point of view was that the measure of a man is how well he cares for his children. And that stayed with me,” Sidney Poitier answered. Today, if we, Nigerians, collectively measure ourselves based on the scale of Sidney Poitier and his father, we would be complete failures in life on account of…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper