Gov Obiano’s aide found dead in his room – Punch Newspapers


Tony Okafor, Awka

A Senior Special Assistant to Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State, Mr. Randie Chima, has been found dead in his own room on the Nwakpodulu Avenue, Awka, the Anambra State capital.

Our Correspondent gathered that Chima was last seen on Friday evening “hale and hearty.”

A source who pleaded anonymity told our correspondent that they were together on Friday evening at a “joint.”

He said, “I’m surprised to hear this story. That Randie is dead? We were together on Friday. He was hale and hearty. A good man is gone. Randie exercised almost regularly at Ekwueme Square.”

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Our correspondent gathered that when Chima’s neighbours did not see him throughout the next day, his room was forced open and his dead body found lying on the bed.

The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Haruna Mohammed,…

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