It’s fake! Don Moen is not dead


Don Moen

The supposed news of Don Moen’s dead flooded the social media on Wednesday with lots of sympathisers mourning, but it has been revealed that the gospel singer is alive, hale and hearty.

Frank Edward, a gospel singer and an ally of Don Moen said on twitter that people should disregard the fake news as Don Moen is still very much alive.

He had a conversation with Don Moen’s son and he confirmed that he is still very much alive.

Moen It’s fake! Don Moen is not dead

Even Wikipedia goofed about Don Moen’s demise as the popular website announced his obituary by adjusting its record on the gospel singer to read that he died on 12 July, 2017.

Moen 1 It’s fake! Don Moen is not dead

Few hours ago, while the news of his death is still raging, Don Moen released a message on twitter celebrating his four generations in Minnesota.

Moen 2 e1499857113352 It’s fake! Don Moen is not dead

An American medium had reported earlier in the day that the gospel singer cum evangelist died after a short battle with…

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