[SPONSORED] Leveraging Risk Intelligence as a new Competitive Tool


[SPONSORED] Leveraging Risk Intelligence as a new Competitive Tool

leveraging risk [SPONSORED] Leveraging Risk Intelligence as a new Competitive Tool
leveraging risk [SPONSORED] Leveraging Risk Intelligence as a new Competitive Tool

The business environment has witnessed a major shift heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic which has compelled organizations to be more dependent on technology. With most businesses moving to the cloud and going digital, risk management approaches cannot remain the same. The question becomes, what is the role of risk intelligence in the emerging and dynamic competitive business environment?

The global society and business world are facing one of the most difficult and complex environments in recent memory. Amidst the pessimism, uncertainty and anxiety foisted by the pandemic, boards and leadership of corporate bodies owe to their investors and stakeholders the responsibilities of not only protecting but also creating value for their organizations.

In an increasingly interconnected corporate world, as most economies intensify efforts to emerge from socio-economic paralyzing effects of the pandemic, global competition for resources, human capital, returns and clients is…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper