Gaza ceasefire holds after heavy Israel strikes, Hamas rocket fire


A picture taken on July 14, 2018 shows smoke plumes risisng following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City. Israel's military said it had launched air strikes targeting Hamas in the Gaza Strip on July 14 as rockets and mortars were lobbed into southern Israel from the blockaded Palestinian enclave. MAHMUD HAMS / AFP

A ceasefire announced by Hamas held Sunday after the most severe exchange of fire between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip since a 2014 war, reducing fears of a wider conflict for now.

Hamas, the Islamist movement that runs the blockaded Gaza Strip, said late Saturday a ceasefire had been reached with the help of Egypt and others, though Israel declined to comment.

The United Nations’ Middle East envoy Nickolay Mladenov was in Gaza and “working with all…

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