Lady Maiden Ibru At 70Guardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News


Lady Maiden Ibru walks in a few minutes later than scheduled apologizing profusely for “wasting our time” while insisting she “has to explain why she was late because we have been waiting.” “We are all humans and I can’t be keeping you waiting for long,” she says apologetically.

While a stranger might be taken by surprise at this gesture especially from a woman of her status, those who know her will readily admit that Maiden is just being Maiden.

Although she was ill only a day before, Lady Ibru has been up on her feet all day attending to meetings and has still made time for our photoshoot. Beaming with smiles on her face, she takes a pose….1, 2, an element of grace and action. Minutes later, her photoshoot is interrupted by a pleasant surprise: a bouquet from one of her sons, Tive, just to appreciate her.

Born and bred in Nigeria to a Greek father and a Nigerian mother, her mother took on the role as a super-parent after the death of her husband when Lady Ibru…

Source: Guardian Newspaper