Africa’s Foremost StorytellerGuardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News


In the course of history, Africa has been viewed from the perspective of the West, whose lens is focused mostly on the problems in the continent; poverty, famine and corruption. It was this subjective view that the late Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe hinted at when he said, “until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”

Enter Mosunmola Abudu.

Mo Abudu

Nine years before Forbes named her “Africa’s Most Successful Woman” in 2015, Mosunmola Abudu, with no prior TV experience, started Moments With Mo, the first Pan-African talk show born out of the desire to change the global perspective on Africa.

“I knew that we had a responsibility for telling those stories and sharing our stories. With a talk show, I was able to cover a plethora of topics and engage with a variety of stakeholders across the continent,” she told The Guardian Life.

With topics ranging from lifestyle, through politics, culture, health, entertainment,…

Source: Guardian Newspaper