Go get your PVCs – Atiku Support Group tells eligible voters– The Sun News


Go get your PVCs, Atiku Support Group tells eligible voters

BillyGraham Abel Yola

Young people of voting age in Adamawa State have been urged to register and get their permanent voter cards (PVCs) and to use their voting power to demand for a better future in the forthcoming general elections.

This was the message delivered to hundreds of youths by the National Convener of the Atiku House-to-House Support Group, Chinyere Obi, during a novelty football match organised by the group, in Yola, Adamawa State.

Obi said the only way young people could make a strong statement in the country and demand for good governance was through their voters card.

According to Obi, “You can only decide who becomes the President of Nigeria when you have your PVCs.

“If you have not registered, I will organise and arrange transportation to take you to the registration…

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