Family Dog mauls 70-year-old grandmother to death while she was Sunbathing


Family Dog mauls 70-year-old grandmother to death while she was Sunbathing

A 70-year-old British grandmother was mauled to death by her family’s dog as she sunbathed in her backyard on Friday, June 2— making her the fifth person to die from dog attacks in the UK this year.

The woman, who has not been identified, died after the dog pounced on her outside her home in Bedworth, Warwickshire, UK.


Her 49-year-old daughter desperately tried to fight off the dog as it attacked her mother, but she was also bitten and unable to stop the fatal mauling, according to the DailyMail.


The daughter was treated at the hospital for non-life-threatening injuries, and both she and her husband, 52, were arrested for allegedly owning a banned breed of dog.

The couple name has not yet been released by police.


Family Dog mauls 70-year-old grandmother to death while she was Sunbathing


It is unclear what breed of dog attacked the woman, but UK legislation has banned American pit bull terriers, Japanese Tosas, Dogo Argentinos, and Fila Brasileiro breeds.


UK law also bans any dogs that are dangerously out of control.

“Police say it was a banned…

Source: Linda Ikeji