We can no longer allow a child to die- Akpabio seeks IPU’s voice in ending Gaza-Israeli conflict


Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, has called on the International Parliamentary Union (IPU) to lend a strong voice to the restoration of lasting peace to war-torn Gaza. 

Akpabio made the call while contributing to discussions at the ongoing 148th Session of the International Parliamentary Union Assembly, held in Geneva, Switzerland.

He said it is time for nations to rise above sentiments and invoke the spirit of humanity, by doing all it requires to bring sustainable peace to the region.

Some of the resolutions according to the Chairman of Nigeria’s National Assembly, should include access to humanitarian aid, restoration of normal life to Gaza, as well as meetings on a permanent truce.

” Madam President, this is a lone voice from Nigeria. We tried our best in Angola and we failed to lend a collective voice to what is happening in Gaza. Today,  the world is very expectant. We must drop ego. It has nothing to do with which country brings the proposal. The basic tenets of humanity…

Source: Linda Ikeji