Meghan Markle & The Queen Were All Smiles At Their First Outing Together


It’s not every day we see the Queen grinning from ear to ear but for her first official royal outing with her granddaughter-in-law, that was exactly what she was doing.

The duo stepped out together for a day of royal engagements in Cheshire and it wasn’t hard to see how fond they are of each other.

Screen Shot 2018 06 14 at 12.11.13 Meghan Markle & The Queen Were All Smiles At Their First Outing Together

meghan markle and the queen Meghan Markle & The Queen Were All Smiles At Their First Outing Together

And they looked lovely for their day out; the Queen in a lime green dress coat and hat; Meghan in an ivory Givenchy midi dress that featured a cape.

Meghan and the queen Meghan Markle & The Queen Were All Smiles At Their First Outing Together


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