Popular CNN News Anchor Isha Sesay Quits The Media Outfit After Thirteen Years


Popular news anchor, Isha Sesay has announced her exit from international media outfit CNN, where she spent 13 years covering news and happenings around the world, especially Africa.

Sesay made the announcement on social media saying “it’s really happening, folks!! After more than a decade behind the desk with those three red letters… I HAVE LEFT CNN.”

Commenting on the reason for her exit, Sesay said in an interview with What We Seee, the respected journalist said she was taking a step back from working as an anchor to focus on what resonates the most with her.

The British national of Sierra Leonean descent was very heavy on the coverage of the Chibok girls abduction by Boko Haram insurgents in 2014.

Sesay also criticised how the Western media outfit was covering the presidency of US President Donald Trump saying, “It’s all so Trump-focused,” she explains. “He sucked all of the oxygen out of the room. The media is…

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