Reps C’ttee Kick As NAFDAC Ignores Sachet Alcohol Resolution


Reps C’ttee kick as NAFDAC ignores sachet alcohol resolution

By Femi Ogunshola

The House of Representatives Committee on National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has frowned at failure of NAFDAC Director-General, Prof. Mojisola Adeyeye, to implement its resolution on sachet alcohol.

The House said the action of NAFDAC management was disrespect to the Parliament.

The Vice-Chairman of the committee, Rep. Uchenna Okonkwo, said at a news conference on Friday in Abuja that the agency was duly served with the resolution.

He said to the greatest surprise of the committee, no action had been taken to implement the resolution.

“The agency had failed to comply with the directives, two months after it was passed.

“You need not be told that the parliament is the centre piece of our democracy.

“If the Nigerian parliament that is the fulcrum and giant of African democracy is abused in this manner, the future of not only Nigeria, African democracy is…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria