Towards Enhanced  Access To Clean Water Through Private Sector Interventions



Towards enhanced  access to clean water through private sector interventions

By Abiemwense Moru, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)

Access to safe water is the most basic human need for health and well-being, according to the United Nations (UN).

It says billions of people will lack access to this basic service in 2030 unless progress quadruples.

The World Bank estimates that 70 million Nigerians lack access to safe drinking water.

It also says that no fewer than 70, 000 deaths are recorded annually in the country among children under the age of five from diarrhea-related diseases.

Demand for water is rising owing to rapid population growth; urbanisation and increasing water needs from agriculture, industry and energy sectors.

The demand for water has outpaced population growth and half of the world’s population is already experiencing severe water scarcity at least one month a year.

Water scarcity, according to UN, is projected to increase with the rise of global…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria