‘How to have a great relationship in 2016’ – relationship expert, Bosun Bankole


    A number of relationships hit the rocks in 2015. Some of the main factors that led to these broken relationships were; first, the couple’s lack of understanding about each other’s personality which made maximizing their differences impossible. Also, some of the partners in these broken relationships were unwilling to compromise on their expectations.
    For example, in one of the cases I handled, the guy believed the lady was stubborn and would not listen to all his corrective suggestions while the lady felt the Guy is a bully because he complains too much. Though they profess to love each other, their relationship did not survive through 2015. This couple taught me a new lesson; having a good relationship is not dependent on finding a good person. If you find a good person and you are unable to manage the relationship well it still will not work. Below are some tips on how to improve your relationship in 2016.
    One of the easiest ways to improve a relationship is when each partner in the relationship makes conscious efforts towards understanding himself/herself first before trying to understand the other person. Self-knowledge helps you to know why you have certain expectations of your spouse and if those expectations are necessary. Self-knowledge also helps you to know for sure if the person you are in a relationship with is the one for you.
    Have a life. Have a job or vocation that keeps you busy. Don’t let your relationship be an escape from boredom. Your relationship will not enjoy any improvement if that is all your life is centered on. Have other friends that make you emotionally balanced; it will be burdensome on your partner if you expect only him/her to supply all the love you need to be emotionally stable.
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    Source:: The NET