Akin Oyebode: How I Missed Being Wole Soyinka’s Student at UI


Professor Akin Oyebode

The trophies, plaques, certificates shimmered in their respective places on the shelf, wall, and a table; just as framed certificates of awards adorned the glittering wall of his office. They are not from Toronto or Oluwole. Here, all that glitters is gold. Every glistening item in the office represents moments of industry, inventiveness, intellect, and perseverance of a man that gives his best and does not leave the rest. With silvery moustache and beard gracefully sitting atop his upper lip and chin, respectively, he exudes the elegance and ebullience of youth and old age. As a teacher not many may be as prolific and proficient as Prof. Akin Oyebode. In an interview with the erudite scholar and retired professor of International Law and Jurisprudence, the septuagenarian talks about the thrilling episodes of his illustrious…

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