In memory of a very good friend, Chief Olalekan Ogundimu


I write on behalf of the highly esteemed chiefs and good people of Oke-Ona Egba, my family and I, to say farewell to a bosom friend.  A friend that sticks more than a brother -Chief Olalekan Ogundimu the Akingbotun of Oke-Ona Egba, a Past District Governor ‘Plus’ of Rotary International District 9110  and the Chairman of Oke-Ona Egba Dynasty Trust Foundation, who slept in the Lord on the 20th of July, 2021  at the ripe age of 84 years. I am yet to come to terms with the fact that you are no more.  You were a bosom and dependable friend per excellence.  We have been together for almost seven decades, since 1952.   We were together as secondary school boys at the Abeokuta…

Source: Nigerian Tribune