Errors In Judgment That Shaped HistoryGuardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News


I accept that I made an error in judgment and took the wrong course of action.–Prof. Neil Ferguson.

Neil Ferguson is a UK leading coronavirus advisor who has now resigned after disclosing he made an error in judgment when he invited his married lover over to his house during the lockdown, a lockdown that he recommended, and advised the government to enforce. Professor Fergusson isn’t just anybody, he has an impressive career as a mathematical biologist.

Social Judgment because of errors in judgment
Social judgment can sometimes arise as a result of an error in judgment. Within moments of his resignation, the internet was awash with stories, twits, and comments questioning his character and surmising that he is a man with a dubious moral compass.

This event causes many to reason that the lockdown did not help to flatten the curve as countries now report that relaxing the lockdown did not cause a spike in infections as predicted. People judged him for advising on a lockdown that…

Source: Guardian Newspaper