Father Betrayed Me – Woman Whose Ex-husband Chopped Off Her HandsGuardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News


Purity Muthoki in a hospital bed | Facebook

A 24-year-old Kenyan woman identified as Purity Muthoki recently made the news after her estranged husband chopped off her hands.

Muthoki who was married to Boniface Mutua described the marriage as an abusive one that was filled with unending agony.

According to her, she tried to endure the abuse for three years and her father also betrayed her by insisting she remains in the abusive relationship.

Speaking from the Makueni Country Referral Hospital where she is currently recuperating, she said:

“He used to beat me while we were staying in Mlolongo in a rented house and I decided to walk out of the marriage in March, but he followed me to our home,” said Muthoki.

She blamed her father for forcing her into a bad marriage that denied her joy.

“I tried to stay in the marriage and he could fight me and I would escape to our home. He would follow me, negotiate with my father, we reconcile and I go back,” said Muthoki.

Purity Muthoki in hospital

Purity Muthoki…

Source: Guardian Newspaper