Countering fake news is responsibility of all stakeholders – Minister — Nigeria — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News


Alhaji Mohammed Idris, the Minister of Information and National Orientation, says the duty of addressing and countering fake news is the responsibility of all stakeholders.

Idris stated this on Wednesday in Abuja at the Ministerial Press Briefing to herald activities lined up to mark President Bola Tinubu’s first year in office.

“Misinformation is a cancer that may lead to a breakdown of law and order in the country; it is also useful to understand that democracy cannot grow without media and press freedom,” he said.

He explained that the media space in Nigeria was largely free, adding that President Tinubu was determined to make it even freer.

“The freedom that the media enjoys also comes with responsibility.

“While it is the right of media practitioners to report, they should also have a duty to ensure it is done responsibly, honestly, and with a deep sense of patriotism.

“You cannot say something is free while it…

Source: Guardian Newspaper