An abandoned goldmine — Guardian Arts — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News


The Nigerian culture is in crises of abandonment, bastardisation, bankruptcy, lack of appreciation, patronage and preservation. It sits, dangerously, on a tinderbox as it is now a potential source of widespread ignorance about our identities.

Very soon, therefore, we Nigerians will only learn about our own cultures in books, journals and films as Nigeria’s cultural echoes and traditional values have been jettisoned by her leaders and her people.

A few examples of Nigeria’s culture’s afflictions with many tribulations of abandonment, bankruptcy, mis-branding as fetish, we are heading to no destination. We must manage our culture if we must progress as a nation and as a people in a country of civilised nation and people who live in a well ordered, disciplined and morally valuable societies long before the coming of the Europeans.

For instance, Nigeria’s former Ambassador to the United Nations, the late Maitama Sule was…

Source: Guardian Newspaper