Cross River Court To Hear Suit On Eviction Of Cocoa Allottees June 6


An High Court sitting in Effraya, Etung local government area of Cross River State, has fixed June 6, 2024, for accelerated hearing on a matter between the state government and cocoa land allottees.

In a case wirth Suit No: HE/16/2024 between Mr. Charles Mgbe, 29 other allottees of 1,415 hectares of cocoa plots and the Cross River State government, the court presided over by Justice Eno Ebri, ordered the claimants to remain in the farms pending hearing and determination of matter before the court.

After an argument on a motion on interlocutory injunction, counsel to the defendant, Wodah Ogar, conceded that he was prepared to allow the status quo to remain as it were.

In a brief interview with LEADERSHIP, the counsel to the claimants, Mba Ukweni (SAN), said: “We have all agreed that parties should maintain the status quo, and allow the people who are in the farm to continue working, pending hearing and determination of the matter.

“Whatever the court is to determine later with…

Source: Leadership Newspaper