Policeman hacked to d£ath by suspected thugs in Kano


Policeman hacked to d�ath by suspected thugs in Kano

A yet-to-be identified policeman was on Tuesday, July 4, hacked to d£ath at Yakasai area of Kano municipal by suspected thugs. 


Eyewitnesses say  the incident occurred when a suspected thug, who alighted from a Tricycle, just by Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital, was attacked by a rival gang. 

‘’It started when the man alighted from a Tricycle, some thugs immediately attacked him with arms. It took minutes before the intervention of the Police who were unable to disperse them. The thugs turned towards the police and started throwing stones at them.

It is when the Police vehicle zoomed off from attack and possible damage that the policeman fell on the ground and they trampled upon him and butchered him to d£ath.”the statement read


The state police command is yet to comment on this development.


Source: Linda Ikeji